Gone for a minute, now Im back with the jump off… Anyone catch that Lil Kim Lyric? No? Ok…moving right along… I took some time away. Some time to think, re-group, and pray. So I owe you an explanation, and by you I mean ME. I rarely feel the need to explain myself to anyone, […]

There is this indescribable feeling I can’t explain about seeing the world, but I know for sure that traveling is when I feel the most alive! Over 5 Days and 4 Nights I emerged myself in the culture of Cuba! Along with 5 Fabulous Friends we embarked on a journey that would create memories to last […]

Traveling more often is at the top of my 2017 list of Goals. In my latest quest to see the world, I’ve been anxiously scratching destinations off the list. The beautiful country of Cuba was the highlight of my most recent travel adventure. Like many other countries I’ve visited, Cuba has a very distinct culture and […]

True Life: I am a Blogger & 9-5er  Its Monday Morning, the time is 8:49 am and the train you just missed by a mere 30 seconds will now be the reason you arrive to your office at 9:07! #Late  Sound familiar?  So many of us dreadfully clock into a routine desk job week after […]