One of my favorite things about living in New York City is stumbling across simple treasures. From graffiti walls, to colorful murals, amazing views, and secret passage ways, (ill explain later…haha) there is always something new to discover.  If you follow me Instagram (shame on you if you don’t!) then you are familiar with my posts […]

Whats the perfect way to express yourself without saying a word? A Graphic Tee, duh! Basic Tees are a long time wardrobe staple of the effortlessly chic. But lets be honest, I am not the “T-Shirt” kind of girl. I myself prefer to jazz things us a bit on the regular. However, a head turning, […]

The ever lasting fashion statement that is “the cold shoulder” has been all the rage this season and it was even named one 2016’s most wearable trends. I love how fashion repeats and reinvents itself, and this blast from the past has returned even better than before. I’m becoming a woman of a particular age […]

You only turn 25 on one night, so its best to do it right! 3.5.91 #Kala’sLitt25th Ever since I could remember I always told my mother I would turn 25 in Paris. I sat out for an unforgettable birthday trip and  it was without a doubt the best birthday EVER!!! I landed in Paris on […]