As you shopped this fall, have you noticed the overwhelming amount of plaid like designs. Well that bold striking design  is known as Tartan,  which is one of the hottest fall trends! Tartan is a pattern consisting of criss-crossed horizontal and vertical stripes in multiple colors. The material first originated in woven wool, but it is […]

“I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.“ –Marilyn Monroe  Sometimes I feel like I was meant to be born in a different era.  My mother always told me I have an old soul and I must admit, I could have so grown up in the 80s. I love […]

I wanted to do a quick post for all you curvy dolls out there who don’t really like to wear dresses.  I’d like to think I was born in a dress! Maybe not literally, but I left the hospital in one. A dress is my favorite thing to wear. They are perfect for any occasion […]